Respiration and the Thorax: Essential Tools for Recognizing and Treating Dysfunction in the Thorax and Respiratory System


Course Description

Course Description:

Respiration and the Thorax: Essential Tools for Recognizing and Treating Dysfunction in the Thorax and Respiratory System

The Thorax is a vital component of spinal function. It is the center of trunk rotation and the center of the respiratory system. The Thorax is a prime base for muscle and fascial connections that affect the cervical and lumbo/pelvic regions. It contains the diaphragm which is vital in the function of respiration and trunk stability. The diaphragm has intimate connections, muscularly and neurologically with the lumbar spine, cervical spine, abdominals and pelvic floor.

Functional knowledge of the respiratory system and how it integrates with the thorax as well as understanding the intimate details of the biomechanics of the thorax will enable the student to connect and integrate the functional thorax into whole body mechanics.

Recognizing, evaluating and treating dysfunctional breathing and restricted thorax mobility is the focus of this seminar. Faulty breathing patterns are rarely looked at as being a possible cause of spinal dysfunctions as well as propagating continued pain patterns. This seminar will deal specifically with respiration, thorax mobility and evaluation and treatment techniques for respiratory dysfunction.

Respiration and the Thorax: Essential Tools for Recognizing and Treating Dysfunction in the Thorax and Respiratory System will be an adjunct for any spinal health platform. It is imperative that normal breathing patterns are regained and maintained for spine health and overall patient well being.

Contact Hours: 3
Video Course Format: Video
Target Audience:
Instructional Level: Intermediate BOC Level of Difficulty: Essential